Finding Help : General info

If you're just starting to consider the issues related to aging for yourself or a loved one, and aren't sure where to start, Maine's regional Agencies on Aging (listed here) are an excellent place to start. These agencies are well-connected to dozens of organizations, health professionals, and volunteer networks throughout the state, and they can provide tailored advice specific to your particular situation.

Click on the resource names listed below to view details and contact information

2-1-1 Maine

A comprehensive statewide directory of over 8,000 health and human services available in Maine. The toll free 2-1-1 hotline connects callers to trained call specialists who can help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Aroostook Agency on Aging

One of Maine’s Agencies on Aging — a regional hub of resources, programs and services aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults and their families.

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  • Phone: 764-3396
  • Location: One Edgemont Drive, Suite B, Presque Isle

City of Portland Elder Advocate

Information, advocacy and referral services for seniors and their families.

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Eastern Area Agency on Aging

One of Maine’s Agencies on Aging — a regional hub of resources, programs and services aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults and their families. Programs include Meals on Wheels, caregiver support, social programs and transportation services to medical appointments.

Maine Office of Aging & Disability Services

State agency of the Department of Health and Human Services that promotes programs and services for older adults, their families and for people with disabilities. Aging Services is responsible for Adult Protective Services, Home and Community Based Care, Community Services and Resource Development.

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Seniors Plus

Western Maine’s Agency on Aging — a regional hub of resources, programs and services aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults and their families. Programs include in-home care services, Meals on Wheels, counseling and support groups.

Southern Maine Agency on Aging

One of Maine’s Agencies on Aging — a regional hub of resources, programs and services aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults and their families. Programs include Meals on Wheels, social worker consultations, family caregiver support, and the Maine Senior Games.

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Spectrum Generations

Central and Midcoast Maine’s Agency on Aging — a regional hub of resources, programs and services aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults and their families. Programs include Meals on Wheels, caregiver support, social programs and transportation services to medical appointments.

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