Finding Help : Caregiver support

Support services for those who care for seniors and the disabled. Includes resources that can assist with caregiving responsibilities, support groups, and respite programs that are designed to preserve the health and well-being of the caregivers themselves.

Click on the resource names listed below to view details and contact information

AARP caregiving resource center

Blogs, “ask an expert” advice, and support lines for adults managing the care of older loved ones.

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Adult Day Services directory

A statewide listing of adult day services, which offer social activities for seniors and respite for caregivers. Many are tailored to Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.

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Aroostook Agency on Aging

One of Maine’s Agencies on Aging — a regional hub of resources, programs and services aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults and their families. Programs include a wide range of support services for older adults and their family caregivers.

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Community Partners dementia support group

A Biddeford-based support group for caregivers of people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Eastern Area Agency on Aging

One of Maine’s Agencies on Aging — a regional hub of resources, programs and services aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults and their families. Programs include Meals on Wheels, caregiver support, social programs and transportation services to medical appointments.

Portland Adult Day Services

City of Portland Adult Day Services Program is designed to offer supportive, daytime care that enables individuals living alone or with family to remain at home, help individual clients rediscover and expand their abilities, friendships and interests, provide a specialized program for clients with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias, and provide much-needed respite for caregivers. Services include: Light breakfast and hearty noon meal, health and medication monitoring by an R.N., therapeutic activities such as music, art, exercise, and much more.

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Savvy Caregiver courses

Administered by the regional Agencies on Aging, the Savvy Caregiver program is a 12 hour evidence-based training program that helps caregivers take care of family members or friends with dementia who are living at home.

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Senior Companion Program (SCP) of York and Cumberland Counties

SCP volunteers provide companionship to fail seniors in order to provide socialization, transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping and other essential errands, and respite for family caregivers.  Volunteers receive a non-taxable stipend in return for volunteering, meal and travel support.

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Seniors Plus

Western Maine’s Agency on Aging — a regional hub of resources, programs and services aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults and their families. Programs include in-home care services, Meals on Wheels, counseling and support groups.

Southern Maine Agency on Aging

One of Maine’s Agencies on Aging — a regional hub of resources, programs and services aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults and their families. Programs include Meals on Wheels, social worker consultations, family caregiver support, and the Maine Senior Games.

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Spectrum Generations

Central and Midcoast Maine’s Agency on Aging — a regional hub of resources, programs and services aimed at improving the health and well-being of older adults and their families. Programs include Meals on Wheels, caregiver support, social programs and transportation services to medical appointments.

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Stein Institute for Research on Aging videos

The Stein Institute for Research on Aging provides a series of videos on issues including caregiver stress.

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