Plenty of coastline, above-average median household income.
To the south is Back Cove and to the north the Presumpscot River, but I-295 occupies much of the waterfront.

Separated from the peninsula by the channel between Back Cove and Casco Bay, East Deering is mostly bordered by water, with the town of Falmouth to the north and Ocean Avenue marking its western boundary.

Surrounding Washington Avenue and Presumpscot Street, the neighborhood is nearly evenly split between homeowner and renter households.

At $1,605 a month, the average rent for a market-rate two-bedroom apartment is just above the city average.

East Deering
A woman jogs along the Back Cove Trail near Baxter Boulevard in East Deering. The neighborhood is surrounded by water, but is dominated by businesses. Whitney Hayward/Staff Photographer

After East Bayside, which is right across Tukey’s Bridge on Interstate 295, East Deering has the city’s second-largest concentration of black residents, at 20 percent.

Less than 40 percent of residents hold bachelor’s degrees, just below the city average, and the median household income is above the city average at around $53,500.

Despite the amount of coastline, there are few areas with waterfront homes. Most of that property is occupied by the highway, the B&M Baked Beans factory, Martin’s Point Health Care and a portion of the Back Cove Trail.

One reason why Portland residents might find themselves in East Deering is to visit the Department of Motor Vehicles, next to the Presumpscot Street School.

Several local chains have locations in East Deering, including Angelone’s Pizza, Anania’s store and Beal’s ice cream.
