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Q: My wife has had diabetes and migraines for three years. She feels she needs
to hold my arm whenever she walks because she is afraid of falling. I love my wife dearly
and want very much to care for her but wish I occasionally could have a break from all this.
She seems to rely on me more and more and tells me she can’t cope with her conditions.
Is there any help for someone like me?
Ask an expert: Katlyn Blackstone
Director of Community Services at the Southern Maine Agency on Aging
A:As a caregiver, it sounds as though you are experiencing the stress that
goes along with that challenging and important role. The Family Caregiver Support
Program at your local Agency on Aging offers support groups for caregivers in person,
over the phone, or online.
There also are respite care options that will give you a short break. For instance,
your wife might be able to spend some time in an Adult Day Services program, or someone
can come to your home and care for her for a short time, while you can leave and do
things you need to do.
Finally, your wife may benefit from classes designed to help her cope with both
her chronic medical conditions and her fear of falling. Your local Agency on Aging,
877-353-3771, can provide you with information about these classes, the caregiver
support and respite care options.
The regional Agencies on Aging are also listed on our General Info page.
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